
This module contains functionality to the creation of Python FMU projects

Module Contents

pyfmu.builder.generate._create_config(config_path: str, class_name: str, relative_script_path: str)
pyfmu.builder.generate.read_configuration(config_path: str) → object
class pyfmu.builder.generate.PyfmuProject(root: Path, main_class: str = None, main_script: str = None, main_script_path: Path = None, project_configuration: dict = None, project_configuration_path: Path = None, resources_dir: Path = None)

Object representing an pyfmu project.

static from_existing(p: Path)

Instantiates an object representation based on an existing project


p {Path} – path to the root of the project

pyfmu.builder.generate._create_dirs(project_path: str, exist_ok: bool = True)
pyfmu.builder.generate._generate_fmu_template(template_path: str, main_class_name: str, script_output_path: str) → None
pyfmu.builder.generate._write_templateScript_to_project(project: PyfmuProject)
pyfmu.builder.generate._write_projectConfig_to_project(project: PyfmuProject)
pyfmu.builder.generate.create_project(project_path: str, main_class_name: str, overwrite=True) → PyfmuProject

Creates a new PyFMU project at the specified path.


output path of the project


name of the slave script

overwritebool, optional

if true overwrite any existing files at the specified output path, by default True


An object representing the exported project. This may be used to access the paths of the various project artifacts.